Monday, March 8, 2010

Can the weather be ambivalent?

Today the weather alternated between rainy, sunny, windy, snowy, and who knows what else? couldn't decide on a theme. Chose random drawings and photos from my journal. My mind wanders. Sometimes artwork, sometimes political commentary, and a poem based on the word syzygy. A page of showing someone the algorithm for finding a square root. The process is based on a kind of unraveling of the binomial theorem. For some reason, it doesn't bother me to include it with art, photography and poetry. The spruce tree covered with snow looks very winter-y, yet, twice today it had no snow at all. Quincy is in that in between zone where any given storm might dump several inches of rain, several feet of snow, or no precipitation at all while the surrounding area gets deluged. I came across some pages in my journal with lots of photos of centipedes and millipedes. Had just finished talking to biology students in the forest when I wrote: "Sometimes people's failure to distinguish millipedes from centipedes, even after simple instruction, seems willful. Is there a need to have an enemy in nature? Is it just a matter of not wanting to take in information that seems too challenging? Is there a fear that it would obligate one to learn much more? Or is there actually a deep-seated revulsion - or is it just melodrama? What were the critical steps leading my son to enjoy letting a millipede crawl across his face? (See Feb. 7 blog entry.) These are some of the things I wonder about when the weather can't decide what to do next.

1 comment:

  1. Joe, Your photos are really clear. If I were to read all of your posts. I would learn so much. I'll send your link to my sister in Washington State. She'll really like your subject and style. -Trish
