Tuesday, September 14, 2010

End of Summer Odds 'n Ends

Not much time to wander with my camera today, but still, the roadside provided some interesting sights. I stopped again at my "milkweed place" hoping to see another monarch caterpillar or perhaps a red millweed beetle, but neither was there. I did get a few shots of a cute grasshopper, looking rather lonely as pretty much everything around him had dried up. Also, the Hooker's Evening Primrose, whose blossoms I've posted several times this past summer, has mostly gone to seed, and the tall stalks covered with seed pods are rather stately-looking along the roadside. Last, the dense clusters of Owl Clover, also gone to seed, look impressive when backlit by the setting sun. Several wet spots along the way that are full of Indian Rhubarb, AKA Umbrella Plant, got me speculating about forthcoming fall colors. On my summer hikes around Oakland Camp I told lots of people about the great displays of fiery red leaves of this plant that we see in October. On this day, every spot that had Indian Rhubarb, the leaves were turning brown, as if they were drying out before they had a chance to turn yellow-orange then red. Maybe it'll happen anyway, but it certainly didn't look that way today.

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