Friday, September 24, 2010

Wolf Creek Excursion, Part 2

This second batch of photos from today's Wolf Creek Cleanup includes two images that framed the day. We started off at Papa's Donuts in Quincy for some quick calories and were thrilled to see the town's two most beautiful oaks have started to turn red. Only a few leaves on each of the two trees have streaks of red, orange and yellow, while most leaves are still green. Over the next couple of weeks, there will be more and more red until the two trees look like they are on fire and are quite obvious to passing motorists. The other end of the day was punctuated by the students' discovery of a beautiful caterpillar on the sidewalk in front of the school. During the cleanup walk itself, we saw a Black Widow Spider in the rim of an abandoned wheel and tire, and some Sweetgum trees in the park that were diseased in such a way that the leaves were actually quite "psychedelic." Yikes, I haven't uttered that word in over 20 years!
By the way, today's San Francisco Chronicle carried an article about viewing fall colors which recommended Plumas County as the best place in the country, excepting perhaps New England, for viewing fall colors. Check out more of my photos and those of other "leaf peepers" on the fall colors blog at

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