Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fall Colors of Another Sort

I stopped by my milkweed spot yesterday, not expecting to photograph milkweed but to view the incredibly bright green moss covering the rocks in Indian Creek. As last week's snow rapidly melts away, the lingering dampness brightens the mosses and lichens and other items in the ground cover. Wet rocks are often much prettier than dry rocks, and some photographers of flowers and rocks carry along a mister so they can bring out the colors and reflections that are enhanced by a little moisture.
The top photo here was the reason for my stop. But I did find a few milkweeds hanging on, even after having been buried in snow a few days ago. The specimen in the second photo from the top is one I photographed in various stages from June through October. Its flowers are among the most aromatic and beautiful I've ever seen and they also attract a great variety of beautiful insects and spiders. The remaining photos are of lichens, mosses, and acorns in the turnout around a quarter mile north of the Greenville Y, the one I call my Milkweed Spot. Click on any photo for a larger image and a caption.

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