Friday, May 16, 2014

Last Day of Classes

 I actually taught my last class of the semester yesterday, so I had the luxury of walking up the main pathway to my office without a deadline.  I lingered by the drainage ditch in front of my parked car.  The ground cover of Lemmon's Wild Ginger is very attractive, a lush green despite the signs of severe drought all around.  It's all the more exciting when you know what's hiding underneath.  If you click on the above photo for a closer view, you may see a hint of it.
 When I spotted a little bit of pink in the darkness between leaves, I parted a few leaves and came in closer with my camera.
 And closer.
 And closer.  Virtually every plant had one or two flowers blooming at its base.  I find this a very attractive flower, and the contrast of its various shades of pink with the shiny green leaves is beautiful.
 The hairy stems add to the drama.  This last photo (below) is what distracted me in the first place.
I could see a patch of Corn Lilies from my driver's seat, and was excited to see how much they had grown since I last paid attention a couple of weeks ago.  But, on my way toward them, I got side-tracked by all the Wild Ginger in the other photos.  As I made my way up the path toward my office, I photographed another dozen or so species of blooming flowers and some birds.  I'll report on those tomorrow.

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